During the road show in Turkey, in the fall of 2014, the Prime Minister at the time, Nikola Gruevski, announced that the OHI Group company would open a factory for production of tyre patches in Bitola and that 400 new workers would be employed in the new production facilities.
As was reported at the web site of the government, the deal was also confirmed by the CEO of OHI Group, Yuksel Ishbilir, who announced that production would start as early as October 2014.
"My message to the other foreign investors is very simple and straightforward: they primarily have to visit Macedonia as soon as possible, and thus acquire a first impression. If afterwards they still believe that there are business opportunities and favorable export conditions, they need to act very quickly," said Ishbilir.
He pointed out that in addition to their initial investment plans, they have plans for further investment and business expansion in Macedonia.
Two years later, there is no official information that OHI Group has made any investments in Macedonia and the name of this company cannot be found among the successful foreign investments the ruling party has made reference to in their Accountability Report.